Goldfarb Is Wasserman-Schultz's Most Qualified and Formidable Opponent

"I, Edward Joel Goldfarb, having been appointed an officer in the Navy of the United States, in the grade of Ensign, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, and bear true faith and allegiance to the same. So, help me God."

Edward Joel Goldfarb Candidate U.S. House of Representatives v. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz 

Commitment to Our Constitution – A Promise Without Expiry!

As a Naval Officer, I pledged an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, whether foreign or domestic. This solemn vow, taken upon my commissioning, is timeless. I am running as a Constitutional Independent because I only want to be accountable to Americans, no individuals, organizations, corporations or political party.

In Congress, the duty to the Constitution should be unwavering. Yet, it seems some have forgotten their commitment or believe there’s a loophole in their oath. I stand apart from such notions.

I seek office as a Constitutional Independent because I am disenchanted with the extremes. I am a moderate conservative with Libertarian values, critical of both parties. I see a Democratic agenda that veers too far left and a Republican party engulfed in disarray.

My belief in the Constitution as a living document has been the cornerstone of America's success as a Republic. I am concerned by the failures of current Democratic Congressional leaders and President Biden to uphold their constitutional promises. I argue their actions suggest they’ve abandoned their duties to this foundational text.

The chaos in Washington needs a reset, one that respects the Constitution and its principles. Like many of you, I am frustrated by the partisan gridlock. I firmly believe in restoring governance by, for, and of the people, embodying the Preamble’s vision.

Armed with unparalleled qualifications, integrity, and accountability, I am committed to fostering positive change and re-centering America. My character ensures that I cannot be intimidated or compromised. I am a proven negotiator, adept at resolving complex issues with practicality and insight. My aim is to seek fair, equitable solutions where all parties succeed.

Join me, Edward Goldfarb, in taking a stand for a centered, principled America.


Paid for by Edward Goldfarb for U.S. House of Representatives

My Sworn Mission

My opponent, incumbent Debbie Wasserman Schultz, may not be a bad person, but has alligned herself with a subversive party and participating in the destruction of our Constitutional Republic. She has spent her entire career in politics without experiencing a traditional job or the challenges of running a business. Upon graduating from the University of Florida, she immediately entered the political sphere. It’s difficult for someone who hasn’t faced financial struggles to truly understand the middle class.

In contrast, I've personally experienced both hardships and successes. I know what it’s like to face financial difficulties, suffer losses, and feel the impact of shattered dreams. But I've also learned how to overcome tough times, working persistently to emerge stronger and wiser. No matter how challenging today may seem, I believe tomorrow holds promise for a better future.

When we choose our representatives in Washington, they should uphold the highest ethical standards, earning our trust and confidence. Unfortunately, we cannot say this about Ms. Wasserman Schultz. Her lack of real-world experience is concerning, and aside from her battle with cancer, she has not faced substantial personal challenges. How can she relate to our experiences if she has not lived them?

Ms. Wasserman Schultz's unethical actions have tarnished her office, leading to her resignation as Chair of the DNC. Her conduct was so reprehensible that it resulted in her stepping down from her leadership position. Other questionable instances of her unethical behavior are well-documented.

Concerning foreign relations, it is troubling that China owns significant tracts of farmland near our military bases. This poses a serious security risk, and we must question why this is allowed, especially when Americans cannot own land in China.

Applying the 80/20 rule, we recognize that addressing 20% of key issues can potentially solve 80% of our problems.

The grave issue of child sex slavery and trafficking deeply pains me, and it is frustrating to witness such crimes with limited ability to intervene.

President Biden, alongside many congressional Democrats, seems indifferent to late-term abortion, human and drug trafficking, and the need for a rational approach to abortion policies. If we could capture Bin Laden, surely we can work with Mexico to dismantle the cartels.

We must insist on truth and honesty from politicians and the media. Slander, libel, misinformation, and deceit must not be tolerated. I am committed to upholding truth and integrity in both politics and media, bringing a fresh perspective to the current landscape.

**Key Points:**

1. Implement capital punishment for child and young women sex trafficking.
2. Ensure FISA requires search warrants.
3. Reduce government size.
4. Combat cartels by securing borders and deporting criminal undocumented immigrants.
5. Address government overreach and excessive regulation.
6. Engage with Iran to address its support for terrorism.
7. Tackle the housing crisis in America.
8. Limit voting to Americans with barcoded ID cards.
9. Prevent waste and abuse of tax dollars.
10. Ban telemarketing robocalls.
11. Require live phone customer support from companies.
12. End the criminalization of victimless crimes such as gambling and non-dangerous drug use.
13. Demand transparency and truth in politics and media, punishing deliberate misinformation.
14. Prohibit hormone therapy for children under 18.
15. Remove sex education from elementary schools.
16. Ensure one vote per person with secure voter ID systems.
17. Stop hedge funds from purchasing homes for rentals.
18. Improve government customer service with call-back options.
19. Reduce corporate taxes.
20. Demilitarize the Department of Justice.
21. Remove riders from legislative bills.
22. Defund biased media outlets like NPR.
23. Improve efficiency in government agency interactions.
24. Remove interstate tolls.
25. Ensure unlocked restrooms on interstates.
26. Do not mandate Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) for IRAs.
27. Investigate the Biden family.
28. Regulate social media as publishers to protect free speech.
29. Prohibit Chinese citizens or entities from owning U.S. property.
30. Hold social media accountable for unjust censorship, ensuring free expression is protected.

Unparalleled Qualifications

With a background as a Naval Officer and Fighter Pilot, Deputy Sheriff, Fortune Corporation Senior Managment, and successful business owner, I am able to bring a wealth of knowledge and experience with an in-depth understanding of the challenges faced by our country. My dedication to education and literacy further showcased by my commitment to positively impacting the younger generation.

You can aupport my campaign by spreading the word, volunteering. Please ontacting me for more information at 954-605-8427. Donations $1 to no more than $100 used for social media advertising: